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xxxx Project
Cycling is an attractive mobility solution in the city. However, compared to other road users, cyclists are less protected and therefore more at risk. In Germany, the number of cycling accidents is rising. In order to prevent the rising number of accidents and to increase the attractiveness of cycling, this master thesis deals with the safety of cyclists and explore the main research question of: How can the use of technology improve the safety of everyday bicycle use? A detailed theory research, in which the causes of accidents and the driving task when cycling are considered in detail, leads to the conclusion that the origin of many accidents is the lack of required information. Therefore, the topic of warning design is further deepened and the context of bicycle use is examined. The context analysis as empirical research method makes it possible to gain a deep insight into the use of bicycles and to identify the most important specifications of product requirements. Through a co-creation workshop, initial concept ideas for safety promoting measures can be collected. From these, a final concept is developed and elaborated into a design with the help of investigations and usability tests. For example, an installation space investigation is carried out, a functional prototype is built and tested, the usability method thinking aloud is applied and a product survey is conducted. The result developed from this is GRIPS. GRIPS is a safety bicycle grip that informs users about potential danger spots by means of a tactile and acoustic signal and thus supports the implementation of safety-oriented cycling behavior. In addition, missing cycle lanes are compensated with the help of a mobile cycle lane (laser), safe routes are suggested, and self-identified danger spots can be reported to the authorities. For the implementation of GRIPS, a business plan is developed (business model canvas) that looks at the product from an economic perspective and examines how the product can be successfully launched on the market. GRIPS is primarily available through bicycle and sports retailers, as the grip and its various functions can be tested before purchase. This ensures that customers can see the difference in performance compared to other bike grips and bike lasers and can see for themselves how the use of GRIPS can improve the safety of everyday bike use.




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