Project Viboma


MultiMediaArt & MultiMediaTechnology, 2012

Viboma is a competitive 3D turn-based tower building game featuring network play. The competing players use blocks which come in a vast variety of shapes and behave physically correct to build their towers. The ultimate goal is to build the highest tower among all players. The game is divided into three phases each having different tactical options and possibilities available.

Picking Phase

In this turn-based phase all available blocks are falling down in the center of the game area in a random manner. Players pick up the blocks they want to build their towers from.

Building Phase

In this phase players build independently until they used all their blocks which can either be added to the player's construction or placed in a special area for use in the following phase, where they will serve as ammunition to fire at opponents' towers. During the entire phase players can observe each others movements in real time.

Destruction Phase

The players now can use their blocks previously placed in the amunition areas to throw them at opponents' towers. The strength of the shots depends on the heights of the towers which are calculated at the end of the building phase.


Remaining towers are judged based on their highest block. The player with the highest resulting score wins the game/round.


Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, C++, Cinder, OpenGL, Nvidia PhysX Engine, Boost library, Fmod Designer API



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Anonyme Person

2D Artist

Andreas Ortner Profile Picture
Andreas Ortner



Daniel Guttenberg



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